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Book circle: The Power of Awareness


Aktiviteten är påbörjad




Kl 18:00 - 20:00


10 tillfällen, 20 studietimmar



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We will meet 10 times and read 5 chapters from the book The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard. An intriguing book on how to use the manifesting powers of your mind.

The chapters we will read are;

  1. I am
  2. Consciousness
  3. Power of assumption
  4. Desire
  5. The truth that sets you free

We will bring people together to read together and to listen to each other. Paying attention to each other, share ideas, feelings, and opinions. We will hopefullt enhance our awareness to bring out the very best in us and learn more about our mind.

The circle will be held in english and is free.

If you have any questions contact Eric Clarke, 0707877536.

Arrangemangsid: 1580701